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To contact Owen or to make a booking:
English, French
Worcestershire & The Malverns, Herefordshire & the Forest of Dean, Shropshire & the Ironbridge Gorge, Staffordshire & The Potteries, Gloucestershire & The Cotswolds
Special Interest(s)
Castles, Museums, Historic Houses, Churches
English, French
Driver Guide

A little bit about Owen

Hi! I'm Owen Bowles, a Tourist Guide offering tours (in either English or French) throughout the Heart of England region.
After a career in international business where I spent most of my time overseas, I have spent the past few years exploring the cornucopia of treasures of my own country. I have a passion for history, industrial heritage, architecture, folklore, food, drink and amusing anecdotes which I would be delighted to share with you. In addition to tour guiding, I publish GPS-guided audio walking tours which may be downloaded onto a mobile phone. Check what I’ve published at I offer coach and walking tours (in either English or French) throughout the Heart of England region. Sample coach tour itineraries offered include the Cotswolds, the Forest of Dean, the Malverns, the Wye Valley and the Industrial Revolution sites in Shropshire. Walking tours offered include Cheltenham, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, Cirencester, Shrewsbury and Ludlow. I also offer guided tours of key visitor attractions in the region such as the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, Gloucester Cathedral, Warwick Castle and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Other coach and walking tour itineraries and site visits are available on request. Vous voulez découvrir le berceau de la révolution industrielle? Admirer le paysage des collines et les villages pittoresques des Cotswolds? Flâner dans les rues de la ville natale de William Shakespeare? Ou récupérer de la chaleur de l’été anglais – si vous avez échappé à la pluie – en dégustant une cervoise tiède dans le jardin d’un pub ? Venez avec moi à la découverte des Midlands, le « cœur de l’Angleterre » ! Guide francophone anglais, adepte de l’humour du même nom et fin connaisseur des mœurs bizarres de mes compatriotes, je vous propose des promenades en ville et des excursions panoramiques en bus ou en voiture. Si vous le souhaitez, je peux aussi organiser des visites personnalisées. Contactez-moi, nous définirons ensemble la solution la plus adaptée à vos besoins.

Personal Interests

My personal interests include history, architecture and industrial heritage.

Owen's gallery

To contact Owen or to make a booking:
No email address provided